Submit an Event

We're glad you are choosing to submit an event to our calendar! This calendar is populated by community submissions like yours. The calendar receives a high volume of page views and helps visitors plan things to do when visiting the Eugene, Cascades & Coast region.

Please review the following questions to determine if the event you are submitting meets our calendar guidelines.

Submission tips:

  • Only one event may be submitted per form.
  • A high quality horizontal photo without graphics or words is requested for each event. 
  • Make sure your description provides meaningful and compelling detail to show the uniqueness of your event. Please use complete sentences.

Please note that submitted events may be shared with other calendars and media. Travel Lane County reserves the right to edit or decline event submissions for any reason. See Guidelines & Instructions for more information. Please contact Travel Lane County with any questions.

Submission of an event to the Travel Lane County website does not guarantee a listing; however, every attempt will be made for inclusion. Events must be suitable for visitors. An email notice will be sent to you when your event has been approved or denied. Travel Lane County is not responsible for the accuracy of event listings submitted. Please immediately notify Travel Lane County by email of event cancellations and/or changes.

A close up of a stand up bass tipped to its side.
: Melanie Ryan Griffin

This calendar includes exciting events from across the Eugene, Cascades & Coast region.