Center for Meeting & Learning AuditoriumEugene, Cascades & Coast is an area like no other. With a focus on sustainability and nature, the area has the facilities to support this. The Center for Meeting and Learning at Lane Community College does just this.

With a focus on learning, this 35,000 square foot conference and event facility on Lane’s main campus features a 6900 square-foot main event space, high-tech auditorium, breakout rooms, demonstration kitchen, computer training lab and a spacious lobby with alcoves. The largest room can host up to 650 people with theater style seating.  In addition to its versatile event space, the Center offers full service, in-house catering, with a focus on local and seasonal selections.

Sustainable Features at the Center

  • Full service in-house catering
  • Fresh organic produce year round in the Learning garden
  • Locally sourced seasonal foods
  • Eliminated disposable dishware
  • Compostable portable-ware
  • Provides shuttle services
  • Sustainable team building

LCC-IronChefThe Center has created a unique on-site team building opportunity with their Culinary Team Building Iron Chef-Style. Split into two teams, up to 24 people can have the opportunity to let out their inner chef. Participants get a seasonal mystery basket full of ingredients to use and 60 minutes to cook a three or four-course meal that is judged on taste, presentation, technique and teamwork. And in this instance teamwork is the largest category. Another great way to learn more about sustainability are guided nature walks around campus on trails surrounded by a native landscape.

Expanding into downtown Eugene, the Center for Meeting and Learning has a LEED Platinum event space. This space can hold up to 260 in a reception style, making for a central location within walking distance to many downtown locations.

The Center is a full-service conference center with a professional staff. It also provides on-Center for Meeting & Learning at LCC (47) -cropsite work experience for students in both  the Culinary Arts and Hospitality Management programs. Making any meeting or conference you hold at the Center for Meeting and Learning an excellent opportunity for you as well as a chance to provide developing minds with the opportunity to learn by experience. Experience More. Meet at the Center.

Interested in hosting your next meeting in the Eugene, Cascades & Coast region? Get in contact with us.

Janis Ross - Vice President of Conventions and Sports Marketing

Janis Ross

Twitter: @janisross
Markets: Association, Corporate, Citywide Events.
Juanita Metzler - Convention Sales Manager
Juanita MetzlerPhone: 541.743.8758
Twitter: @Juanitaeug
Markets: Science/Technology, Religious, education, military reunion, fraternal, insurance, legal, medical, financial, arts and culture and hobby/crafts.
Kari Westlund - President & CEO
Kari WustlundPhone: 541.743.8750
Twitter: @TourismTrotter
Markets: Government