When traveling for business or even for pleasure, there are the good, the bad and the ugly. There are ways to keep yourself on track and not get so run down between heading from your incoming flight to your welcome dinner. Keep these suggestions in mind when you travel to help combat travel fatigue. 

Acclimate Early

Start adjusting your sleep schedule a few days before you leave, especially if you’re traveling to a different time zone. You may want to go to bed earlier every day or stay up later for the few days leading up to your trip.

Running Pre's Trail in Eugene, ORExercise

Keep moving! Even traveling isn’t an excuse to stop moving. Walk the airport terminal while you’re waiting for your flight. Take the stairs at your hotel instead of the elevator. Find the fitness center and try it out. Just keep moving. 

pizza-at-agrarian-ales-hop-harvestHealthy Eating

Focus on eating healthy. Often travel becomes an excuse to cheat. Plan ahead – bring healthy snacks. Check for grocery stores near your hotel so you can stock up on healthy options. Request a refrigerator in your hotel room.

Limit Alcohol Consumption

Similar to healthy eating, limiting your consumption of alcohol can have a huge impact on how you feel while traveling. Instead of having that extra glass of wine before you fly consider a glass of water. Though not as tasty you’ll want to be hydrated later. 

Phoenix InnPillows

I request two queen beds as opposed to one king - simply because I get more pillows that way. Also, request a quiet room away from ice machines and elevators so you’re able to get in those last few minutes of sleep and not be disturbed by fellow travelers walking to the ice machine at all times of the night. 

Crazy Suggestion

If you travel frequently, as I do, it’s not unusual to wake up in a semi-alarmed state because you don’t remember where you are. Years ago, a colleague told me she writes herself a note and leaves it on the nightstand that says, “You are in (City). You are here for (Conference or Business Purpose). You need to be at (Location) at (time).” It may sound silly, but it really does alleviate that momentary panic you feel when you wake up in a strange place. 

What is your go-to suggestion for combating travel fatigue?