How often do we smile during the day? When do we smile? I recently attended a networking function and was reminded that we are more approachable when we are smiling - a true smile. People can spot that fake smile from across the room and will do their best to avoid coming into contact with you. It’s almost like a fake smile is a bacteria. People don’t want to be infected with it. So how do we keep that real smile on our face? Appreciating what we are doing or where we are should give us reason to smile. Being with people whose company we enjoy should help secure that smile on our face. But what about those times when we are out of our element and don’t feel like smiling? Be determined to find one person with whom you have something in common. Ask about their favorite hobby or the most unusual place that they have vacationed, and then listen to their response. You will be amazed at how many others are looking for a friendly face and will respond to you. Then, help that person connect with someone new and you are networking and hopefully smiling!
When you are on the phone, are you smiling? If you are, it will be evident. To remind myself to continually smile I keep a small mirror on my desk (I can see my face) so I am able to always be checking my smile.
One thing that helps me smile is being able to bring someone to my home community of Eugene and Lane County. It is so enjoyable to introduce them to what we get to live with – the beautiful natural environment; the amenities of a large city without the congestion; the affordable opportunities for things to do and see; and the genuinely friendly people that live here.
So let’s talk about getting you to the Eugene Cascades & Coast area and put a smile on both of our faces.