Trip Ideas

Melinda Preciado, Ms. Wheelchair Oregon USA 2023
Melinda Preciado

Melinda Preciado has been named Ms. Wheelchair Pacific Coast USA for 2024. She is also serving as 2023 Ms. Wheelchair Oregon USA with the mission of Adapting America For All. Previously she was Ms. Wheelchair Oregon America in 2022. She is a mother of two young men and she worked in health care for 17 years before her traumatic event that placed her in a wheelchair. She describes herself as a critical thinker, compassionate, Zen and full of adventure.  

Accessible Art Walks

Did you know that Eugene and Springfield has art walks monthly? Well they do—the one in Eugene is the first Friday of every month and the one in Springfield is the second Friday of every month. …

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A Day as a Wheelchair Tourist in My City

One of the many wonderful things about Eugene, Oregon is the wonderful art we have around. In January of 2021, after 17 years in the health field I endured a traumatic event that placed me in a wheelchair. I’m also a mother of two amazing children. My youngest child, as well as a friend…

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Explore Our Communities

Two people look out toward the ocean from a high point with railing.
: Melanie Ryan Griffin

Visit the Eugene, Cascades & Coast Visitor Center in downtown Eugene. Find information on things to do and see in Lane County, purchase park passes and locally-made gifts and souvenirs, and…