Eugene, OR - Stephen Hoshaw, Senior Director of Tourism Marketing at Travel Lane
County has been named Board President for the Willamette Valley Visitors Association (WVVA). 

"Stephen’s understanding of business intelligence in analyzing and driving marketing decisions creates a strategic and focused framework for destination marketing tactics. His strategic perspective as the board leader is sure to have a positive impact on WVVA as it does on our work here at Travel Lane County," noted Kari Westlund, President/CEO, Travel Lane County.

Stephen has worked in the tourism industry for more than eight years, and in public and media relations for more than a decade. He currently oversees marketing and communications, as well as tourism industry research for Travel Lane County, branded as Eugene, Cascades & Coast. Stephen has been a Willamette Valley Visitors
Association public relations committee member for over six years and is experienced in
marketing and communications with focus in the hospitality and technology sectors.

WVVA recognized Irene Bernards, Chief Marketing Officer and Executive Vice President at Travel Salem, for over twenty combined years of service as WVVA’s President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. Bernards is returning as a Vice President, serving closely with Hoshaw to enhance destination management and stewardship
for the Willamette Valley region.

"I am thrilled to welcome our incoming New Board Chair, Stephen Hoshaw, whose fresh perspectives and enthusiasm for collaboration are sure to invigorate our organization,” says Dawnielle Tehama, WVVA Executive Director .“  

The entire Willamette Valley is represented through board membership: South Clackamas County (Clackamas County Tourism), Yamhill County Tourism Partnership, Marion and Polk Counties (Travel Salem), Linn County (Albany Visitors Association), Benton County (Visit Corvallis), and East Lane County (Travel Lane County).