Eugene, OR - Join us on May 17, 2024 at Graduate Eugene for our Visitor Industry Summit and Celebration.
Register to be a Summit attendee or a lunch only attendee. Either way, we are excited to have you! Deadline for registration is May 12, 2024.
Thank you to our Presenting Sponsor, Turell Group, and our Industry Sponsors, Summit Bank and Mereté Hotel Management.
Check-in and breakfast for the half-day summit begins at 8:00 a.m. and features our keynote speaker Molly Alexander. Ms. Alexander is the founder of ITP (Imagine the Possibilities) Consulting. Molly will dive deeply into her work around "Return on Emotion" as she leads breakout sessions following the keynote.
For over three decades, Molly Alexander has enjoyed a successful career focused on downtown revitalization and economic development, including enterprises in both the public and private sectors. For the past 20 years Molly worked for the Downtown Austin Alliance as the Executive Vice President of Economic Development and most recently as the Executive Director of the Downtown Austin Alliance Foundation helping to shepherd a new era of downtown revitalization in Austin, Texas. Two additional breakout session tracks will offer education and networking opportunities throughout the morning.
Check-in for Visitor Industry Celebration Lunch begins at 11:30 a.m. During the celebration luncheon attendees will hear a state of the industry address by Kari Westlund, President and CEO of Travel Lane County, and everyone will have the opportunity to celebrate Kari's 28 years of service to the region. Seeing her colleagues will make the event extra special for Kari as she prepares to retire this fall. Here are just a few things you’ll learn about Kari during this special celebration event:
- Past CEO of the convention and visitors bureaus in Kodiak and Juneau Alaska
- First board president of DMA West Foundation, volunteer leader of DMA West and DMA West board member 1998-2007
- Spirit of Leadership award recipient from DMA West in 2009
- Served on the Oregon Tourism Commission and numerous statewide committees
- Past board member of U.S. Travel Association
- Past president and board member of the Oregon Track Club
Visitor industry awards will be given to a stellar group of individuals and organizations who have helped Travel Lane County's visitor economy thrive over the past year. Award categories include:
Destination Award
Presented to a business or individual who, through their efforts, have excelled in promoting the community and the Eugene, Cascades & Coast as a visitor destination.
Community Leadership Award
Presented to a group, business or individual that has significantly contributed to the Eugene, Cascades & Coast region's tourism industry or visitor experience through an advocacy program(s), visitor product(s), or community development.
Sports Leadership Award
Presented to a local resident(s) or business that is directly responsible for the confirmation of a sports event, which brings in a significant number of overnight visitors to Lane County.
Convention Leadership Award
Presented to a local resident(s) or business that is directly responsible for the confirmation of a meeting or event, which brings in a significant number of overnight visitors to Lane County.
Stewardship Award
Presented to a group or organization who exemplifies the effective stewardship of people, resources and the environment.