In Eugene — and across the Eugene, Cascades & Coast region — many local businesses make sustainability and environmental values an integral part of their business plan. As a community, we celebrate "Earth Day" year-round with innovative approaches to conservation, recycling and equity. Visitors can do their part by supporting and patronizing the small businesses that esteem living in harmony with our natural and social world. Here are just a few highlights of local shops and services that live up to their values.

Urban Lumber Co.

Salvaging scrap wood, tear-down projects and fallen urban trees, this innovative company creates artistic and memorial pieces of furniture and household products from dining room tables to fruit bowls. Many of our local Eugene - Springfield restaurants and businesses showcase gorgeous slab bar tops, walls, floors or desks made by Urban Lumber Co. Visit their warehouse showroom to see what is for sale, take a factory tour or order a custom piece for yourself from a fallen sentimental backyard tree.

Marley's Monsters

Marley's Monsters uses scrap felt and natural materials like bamboo, cotton and linen to manufacture re-usable household items to swap in for common disposable items. Discover colorful and sturdy fabric towels to replace "paper towels", cloth napkins, cloth wipes, fabric coffee filters and more — all long lasting.This creative and innovative Earth-first store is nestled in the Market Alley in Eugene's Market District. Marley's Monsters also ships through Amazon Prime using plastic-free packaging.

BRING Recycling

Local builders and artisans know this is a source for magical and cost-saving supplies. Find everything from small drawer pulls, nails or flower pots to sky lights, shower stalls and garage doors. Antique treasures can be unearthed here. Along with a warehouse of donating parts and pieces from tear-down projects, BRING offers unique event space and training programs for businesses and schools. Come here to see recycling made beautiful!

Materials Exchange Center for Community Arts (MECCA)

The last broken crayons in the box, the half-used tube of paint, the left over tiles from your bathroom remodel, or the knitting needles you haven't touched in ten years... all this has to go somewhere! MECCA steps in to give a second chance to art supplies and unused and unwanted materials. This shop is a boon for artists and teachers, and every creative person out there that wants to make art on a budget. Just walking through the store is inspirational, and looking for needed supplies here first, helps reduce waste and saves money. Some items are even free for educators!

NextStep ReUse Store

With every new gadget and every updated operating system, software or program; the previous season's electronic wonders face obsolescence.  NextStep ReUse Store rescues these discards and maximizes their service potential by refurbishing and repairing electronics from toasters to televisions. Not only do they keep electronics out of the landfills, they help provide technology to those who do not have access. The resale store is stocked with refurbished products at lower prices, and the organization offers tech skill training programs and educational opportunities for children and adults. If you are shopping for an iPad or a desktop computer, stop in here first and support their mission for a cleaner environment with less waste.

Mosaic Fair Trade Store by Melanie Griffin

Mosaic Fair Trade Collection

On a worldwide front, Mosaic Fair Trade Collection offers home goods and gifts that are certified by the Fair Trade Federation, ensuring that the artisan workers make a living wage, have safe working conditions and equal opportunities. This is an import store that you can feel good about!

Peacehealth Rides

The big blue bicycles around town offer a low impact and environmentally-friendly transportation option for locals and visitors alike. Just download the Peacehealth Rides app on your phone and you are able to partake in the bike share program at low cost for short rides. Also a heathy way to move, Peacehealth Rides helps individual take care of their own bodies.

Doing Your Part

There are many more eco-friendly businesses throughout our community. From wholesaler Hummingbird offering bulk grains and foods, Mountain Rose Herbs with bulk herbs, and Sundance and Kiva grocery stores to the many farm-to-table restaurants, craft breweries, distilleries, wineries and artisan food producers and manufacturers. Take a ride on an electric vehicle, volunteer for a beach clean up or shop at a farmers market and you'll be participating in our sustainable community efforts!

A person drives a golf cart with a giant WE CAN recycle box on it

Green Inspired Events

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