When the Eugene Marathon is in town, or there is a track event at Hayward Field — track and field fans and athletes seek out the ultimate TrackTown USA experience by visiting these unique Eugene destinations and events.
Upcoming Track Events
1. Attend a Meet at Hayward Field
Eugene is the heart and home of track and field, and that heartbeat reverberates from Hayward Field itself. Cheer on the competitors striving to be champions at one of the upcoming track meets.

Young fan at Hayward Field cheering for the 400 meter race
2. Visit Hayward Hall
Pay tribute to Bill Bowerman's bronze likeness watching the action with his stopwatch and explore Hayward Hall's museum of track history with artistic and interactive exhibits.
3. & 4. Pre's Rock & Pre's Trail
It's the tradition of locals and athletes to visit Pre's Rock where a memorial to this great runner has been erected. Many leave their race bibs, running shoes, medals or flowers. Follow up that pilgrimage with a jog on Pre's Trail that was completed in his honor, and to fulfill his vision, after his passing.
Pre's Trail
First built in 1975 and designated city historic landmark in 2019, follow in the footsteps of legendary track…
5. UO Campus
Tour the University of Oregon campus with its historic buildings, artworks, tree arboretum and significant social sites. Quintessential student experiences include popping into The Duck Store, a craft beer at Rennie's Landing and an ice cream cone at Prince Pucklers.
6. Nike Store
Nike's origin story is linked with Eugene-Springfield, so a visit to the Eugene's Nike Store is a must. While Nike's headquarters are located in Portland, they have a beautiful storefront in Eugene's Market District.
7. The Graduate
Keeping with their collegiate theme, The Graduate hotel in downtown Eugene is a "museum" of local sports heritage including generations of Nike shoes on display and other track and field tributes. The Trophy Room lounge serves up festive cocktails and food against a backdrop of waffle-iron textured walls in tribute to the first running shoe sole that Bill Bowerman created.
8. & 9. Run Hub Northwest & Eugene Running Company
Local running stores are social hubs for passionate runners. Both Run Hub Northwest and the Eugene Running Company are owned by local, lifelong runners passionately commitment to Eugene's running community. Along with shopping, join in group runs, sign up for coaching and get informed tips on gear and trails.
10. Track Town Pizza
Load up on cheesy deliciousness at this college hangout that has been a campus-area favorite for decades. Track Town Pizza has a collection of local sports memorabilia, names their pizzas after track events and is a popular family and student destination. They also deliver!
11. - 19. Local Running Trails
Eugene is crisscrossed with many running trails. From level to steep inclines, from wood chips to paved pathways, there are many places to run, hike or walk. Eugene's signature paths are, of course, Pre's Trail, and the hike up Spencer Butte. Oregon Track Club has a handy runner's map (available with a PDF download) that details trail surface and mileage. And if you are here for the Butte to Butte in early July, register for a run right down the middle of the city's main corridors.
20. - 29. Oregon22 Heritage Trail
Oregon has been home to an outstanding collection of internationally medalling track and field athletes, and 22 of them are honored for their achievements across the state on the Oregon22 Heritage Trail. Visit the communities where they grew up, lived, trained or retired to on a road trip around the state. Or visit the plaques on display locally!
One Day on the Oregon22 Heritage Trail
Pay tribute to the track and field global medal winners whose hearts found their home in the Eugene-Springfield area. This Eugene-based section of the Oregon22 Heritage Trail, which…